
A New Option to Add New Tweets Into Old Tweet Threads by Twitter

I could almost hear the circuit grids of a million keyboards cracking as Twitter users responded to this gleeful new update of adding new tweets into old tweet threads. Now you can add Tweets to one you already Tweeted, faster! So, that seems pretty cool, pretty helpful. I mean, it’s not an amazing, groundbreaking update that…

Facebook stories

Facebook Tests New Format for their Separate Facebook Stories Discovery Page

Every time Facebook tries out another Facebook Stories addition, a part of me does feel like its a bit Regina George. But Facebook is certain that Stories are the future of social sharing, and the way more users are heading – and it has the stats to prove that more people are, in fact, using Facebook Stories every…


A New Notification Tag on Identified Misinformation by Twitter (Coming soon)

After recently launching tags to signify manipulated media in tweets, Twitter is now also considering new labels for identified misinformation, with large tags on ‘harmfully misleading’ reports, and links to reference material to cross-check. As explained by NBC News: “In this version, misinformation or misleading information posted by public figures would be corrected directly beneath a tweet…


Facebook Launched a New Creator Studio Mobile App (2020)

Facebook this week launched a new, mobile version of its Creator Studio tool, with a separate Creator Studio app to help better manage your Facebook Pages on the go. The new app will be able to manage and edit Page posts, view performance analytics and respond to messages – with the added capacity to manage multiple Facebook Pages through…


Snapchat Redesign to Simplify In-App Navigation (Coming soon)

Snapchat is testing out a major new redesign which would expand the app from three to five definitively separated sections, and add a black navigation bar along the bottom of the screen. As reported by Casey Newton in The Interface, and as you can see in the above images, the new navigation bar would link to five sections. The…

WhatsApp celebrates two billion active users

WhatsApp Celebrates Two Billion Active Users

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg sees privacy-focused communications as the future of social networking, with messaging playing a key role – and WhatsApp, Facebook’s largest messaging platform, is central to that shift as WhatsApp celebrates two billion active users. And this week, the significance of WhatsApp has been underlined once again, with the messaging app reaching a new user…

over 500 Chrome extensions removed by Google

Over 500 Chrome Extensions Removed by Google Due to Malware Concerns

If you go to tap on your favorite Google Chrome extension and it no longer works like it used to, it could be among the over 500 Chrome extensions removed by Google. This week, over 500 Chrome extensions removed by Google were listed due to concerns that they were redirecting users to malicious sites and…