Google Shopping

Google Expands Free Google Shopping Listings to Businesses in Europe, Middle East and Africa

After making its Google Shopping product listings available for free for US businesses back in April, the search giant is now expanding its free display options to businesses in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, while it’s also adding new tools to help SMBs get back on track amid the impacts of COVID-19. Up until recently,…


TikTok Adds 3 New Duet Formats to Facilitate New Collaboration Opportunities

TikTok has announced the launch of three new Duet options which provide new layouts to apply to your Duet clips and add new creative options to the function. Duets enable TikTok users to respond to another users’ clip and interact with the original video, adding a new spin on the original creators’ upload. Duets have become…

audio tweets

Twitter Expands Access to Audio Tweets for iOS, Re-Affirms Plans for Auto-Captions of Voice Messages

Hey, remember back in June when Twitter made a big announcement about a new option to add audio clips into your tweets? There seemed to be a heap of initial hype around the functionality, with celebrities posting audio clips, social media gurus devising new tweet strategies – it was a magical time. For about five…

Messenger and Instagram

Facebook Announces its New Cross-Messaging Functionality that will Link Messenger and Instagram Direct

Facebook has taken the next big step in its messaging integration plan by announcing new cross-messaging functionality that will link Messenger and Instagram Direct, in various ways. As explained by Facebook: “We’re connecting the Messenger and Instagram experience to bring some of the best Messenger features to Instagram – so you have access to the best messaging experience, no…

Facebook dating app


Facebook is simply the largest social network sites that connect friends and families with each other; however, Facebook does not just connect friends and families, it is also a platform where singles connect with each other and find love with its Facebook Dating App. Finding love on Facebook isn’t difficult as Facebook has made it…


Facebook has today Published its Recommendation Guidelines, Listing Topics and Themes that are Ineligible

In an effort to improve transparency, and provide more guidance as to how it shows users to content within their feeds, Facebook has today published its Recommendation Guidelines, which includes a listing of topics and themes that are ineligible to be highlighted within its various discovery surfaces. As explained by Facebook: “We make personalized recommendations to…

Instagram and Facebook

Over 80% of Marketers Turn to Facebook and Instagram to Build Brand Awareness

Last week, we ran a few polls in the newsletter to learn more about how marketing goals vary between social media platforms. You may use a platform to accomplish many goals, but there is most likely one goal that you both have invested in and have consistently seen a great return on that investment. We…


Facebook provides an Overview of its Measures to Protect Upcoming Election in Myanmar

As Facebook works to further establish itself in developing markets, it’s constantly met with a level of hesitation, as local officials question the value of allowing Facebook in, weighed against the risks. Much of that consideration can be linked back to Myanmar, where Facebook has become a key platform for connectivity as internet adoption has…