
LinkedIn Publishes a New eBook Guide on Setting Your Business Up for Recovery Post COVID-19

While the COVID-19 pandemic drags on, and it may feel like the end is constantly over the horizon, and beyond our line of sight, at some stage, it will end. Vaccines and treatments will be developed and implemented; cities and sporting venues will re-open. It may take longer than anyone would have hoped, but things will change, the tide will shift.

That will lead to new opportunities once again – and while right now, it feels like we’re all on hold, and we’re all waiting for that next breakthrough to inform our plans, there are things that you can do, as a business, that will better position you for eventual recovery.

That’s the focus of LinkedIn’s latest eBook, a 12-page outline of how companies can set themselves up for recovery, post COVID-19.

The guide looks at five key areas:

  • Brand Building
  • Strategic Planning
  • Change Management
  • Media Planning
  • Message Planning

For each, LinkedIn provides tips on key steps that brands can take, based on past economic downturns, in order to set themselves up for optimal recovery.

The guide includes insights from a range of industry experts, with data, like these notes above, that point to key focus elements.

The guide also includes actionable steps that businesses can take to assess their current situation, and maximize opportunities.

LinkedIn even included a helpful checklist for effective LinkedIn campaigns – which really applies at any time, not just in this context.

It’s a fairly basic overview – with, of course, a strong focus on how LinkedIn’s ad products, specifically, can help – but there are some interesting stats and insights that could help to better inform your digital marketing strategy as you map a pathway to eventual recovery.

Of course, many businesses won’t be so lucky, as the economic impacts of the situation worsened every day, but for those that are able to maintain operations, and are looking for ways to maximize their ongoing success, the detail here is worth a look.

You can download LinkedIn’s ‘Planning for a Strong Recovery’ guide here.  

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