
Instagram is Testing a New Video Response Option for IGTV

Instagram looks to be trying to add in a TikTok-style video response option for IGTV, with a new ‘Video Reactions’ option in testing that would enable IGTV creators to allow viewers to respond to their content with videos of their own.

There’s a new ‘Video Reactions’ option built into the IGTV upload process, which, when active, would enable viewers to reply with their own video response.

That, as noted, sounds similar to TikTok’s video Reactions option, which overlays a video response over the original video post, providing another way to engage with clips.

Reactions and Duets have become a big part of the TikTok experience, providing a way for viewers to share their own, creative responses to posted clips.

Instagram may be hoping for the same. And while IGTV hasn’t taken off as yet, coming updates like IGTV content monetization could provide more incentive for creators to post to the platform, making it a more relevant option.

Maybe, additional engagement options like Reactions could also add to its utility.

It’s difficult to imagine exactly how it would work in an IGTV context. On TikTok, the short nature of TikTok clips makes them perfect fodder for simple video responses, but IGTV is focused on longer content. That could make it more difficult to add in the same – though maybe, there’s a way for Instagram to showcase certain sections of IGTV videos where people have responded?

Maybe, simply by adding the personal, visual nature of video reactions, it will provide more engagement potential for IGTV.

There’s not a lot to go on at this stage, but it’ll be interesting to see if it gets rolled out, and what it will mean for the app.

We’ll keep you updated on any progress.

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