Instagram Updates IGTV App: Instagram Adds New IGTV Preview Option for Stories

Instagram has released a new update for its separate IGTV app, which aims to put more emphasis on top creators, who are key to maximizing engagement with the video platform. The main aesthetic change is the homepage – as you can see in the middle frame above, the IGTV home screen will now feature a popular creator up at the…


Instagram Launches New ‘I Stay Home For’ Sticker to Promote COVID-19 Stay Home Efforts

With the rising popularity of Instagram Stories, and the propensity for people to add stickers and effects to their Stories frames, Instagram’s cause-based stickers must be having some impact. This week, Instagram has launched a new cause sticker for Stories which aims to highlight the importance of social distancing, and staying home to limit the spread of COVID-19….


Instagram is Partnering with Netflix on a New Self Care Series for Young Adults Amid COVID-19

In order to provide some level of assistance on this front, Instagram has this week announced a new partnership with Netflix, which will see with the stars of some of Netflix’s most popular programs among young adult viewers talking about mental health and self-care amid the pandemic. Among the wide-ranging consequences of the COVID-19 lockdowns, one element…

Quiet mode

Facebook Adds ‘Quiet Mode’ Option to Help Manage Time Spent in the App

With people spending more time on social platforms amid the COVID-19 lockdowns, Facebook has added a new ‘Quiet Mode’ option to help better manage and control your Facebook usage, while it’s also revamped its ‘Your Time on Facebook’ listings in order to provide users with more information as to how, exactly, they’re spending their time in the…


Facebook Provides New Set of Templates to Help Brands Communicate Key Messages during COVID-19 Shutdowns

Facebook has provided a new set of templates to help businesses communicate key messages amid the COVID-19 shutdowns around the world. As per Facebook: “We know that many businesses are facing unexpected challenges at the moment, including keeping in touch with customers, so we wanted to share a few things that you can do to get ahead of…


Apple and Google have agreed to a Partnership on Data Sharing to Help Contain COVID-19 – The Pros and Cons

The big tech news to end last week was that Apple and Google have agreed to a partnership that will enable health authorities to better track COVID-19 patients and alert people who’ve been in contact with them, which could provide significant help in containing the virus. The process would work like this: Apple and Google will provide…


Instagram Launches ‘Thank You Hour’ Sticker to Share Appreciation during COVID-19 Pandemic

Instagram has launched a new ‘Thank You Hour’ initiative, which will see Stories frames that include the new ‘Thank You Hour’ sticker added to a collective Story that showcases the various things that people are appreciative of amid the COVID-19 pandemic. As explained by Instagram: “Today we’re launching Thank You Hour, a sticker in stories that lets…

Amazon Prime

How to Download Movies, TV Shows on Amazon Prime Video in this COVID-19 Lockdowns

With the rise in demand for big screens, smartphone manufacturers shifted their focus majorly on the smartphone displays; which is why Amazon Prime is important to you at the moment. Gone are the days when one needed to visit a multiplex or plugin a TV to watch movies and shows. There are numerous platforms online…