Google and Facebook

The Australian Government Implements New Laws to Make Google and Facebook Pay News Publishers

In what could be a significant move in the broader regulation of the digital eco-sphere, the Australian Government has announced that it’s looking to provide financial assistance to struggling local news organizations by implementing a new, mandatory code of conduct which would require Google and Facebook to share any revenue they generate as a result…


5 Snapchat Top Tips for Creating Effective AR Experiences as Lens Usage Increases

Like all social platforms, Snapchat has seen a significant increase in usage amid the COVID-19 lockdowns, but more specifically, Snap has seen a big jump in AR usage. According to Snapchat, over 75% of its users engage with its various AR tools every day, on average, and that’s increased even more in March, as people look for…


Instagram is testing a New ‘Challenge’ Sticker for Stories

Instagram is testing a new ‘Challenge’ sticker for Stories which would enable users to call on their connections to participate in visual competitions, prompting more engagement. As you can see in these screenshots, posted by reverse engineering expert Jane Manchun Wong, the Challenge sticker would be added to the regular sticker tray in Stories. When applied, you’d then be…


Facebook Is Testing Longer-Lasting Stories, With an Option to Keep Stories Active for 72-hours

With the Stories format slowly gaining traction on Facebook, The Social Network looks to be experimenting with a new option that could increase Stories views – and potentially make them a more interesting proposition for the older Facebook audience. According to a new discovery by reverse engineering expert Jane Manchun Wong, Facebook is testing a new option that would enable users to keep…


Instagram is testing an Option to Simulcast Instagram Live Streams to Facebook

This could be interesting. According to a new discovery by Alessandro Paluzzi, Instagram is testing an option that would enable you to simulcast your Instagram Live sessions over to your Facebook Page, essentially broadcasting to your audiences on both platforms at the same time. This screenshot is from the Story settings menu on Instagram – when…


Top 3 Ways to Maximize your Twitter Engagement

You’ve no doubt heard this before, but a video is the best performing content type across all social platforms – and Twitter is no exception. According to research, Tweets with video see 10x more engagement than those without, while Promoted Tweets with videos save more than 50% on cost-per-engagement. If you can create video content, you should…


TikTok Is Launching New Parental Controls Called “Family Pairing”

TikTok is releasing an important new function called ‘Family Pairing‘ which will give parents more options to better manage their kids’ time in the app, while also protecting them from unwanted exposure to both offensive content and potential predators. As explained by TikTok: “Today, we are advancing our commitment to building for the safety of our…


Twitter adds Effective Poll Tips in Its Latest ‘Good Copy, Bad Copy’ Update

Twitter’s Global Creative Lead Joe Wadlington is back with another ‘Good Copy, Bad Copy’ Twitter tips video, this time looking at Twitter polls, and how to make the best use of the option to improve your strategic approach. As explained by Wadlington, an important element to remember when creating polls is not to focus too much on engagement…


Instagram Live Streams Can Now Be Viewed on Desktop PCs

After rolling out access to Direct messages via the web last week, Instagram is now also giving users the option to view Instagram Live broadcasts on desktop PCs, which comes with a new, less intrusive format, and URLs to cross-promote your streams. As you can see in this image, shared by Android Police when viewing Instagram Live streams…