
TikTok Launches New Information Hub to Counter Inaccurate Rumors About the App

Amid ongoing negotiations about its future, and its likely sell-off to an American-owned organization to avoid a ban in the US, TikTok has this week launched a new information hub, which it says will ‘serve as a source of truth’ is counter to the various rumors around the app. The ‘Last Sunny Corner of the Internet’ is…


Google Expands Audio Advertising Options to Help Businesses Tap Into the Rising Consumption of Podcasts

Google has announced a new range of audio advertising options in order to help businesses tap into the rising consumption of podcasts, digital radio, and other digital audio forms. As explained by Google: “In 2020, US adults are projected to listen to digital audio more than radio for the first time ever. As the audio landscape continues to shift…


Facebook Launches New $25 Million Funding Program to Assist Black Creators

As part of its ongoing effort to support diversity and inclusion, Facebook has today announced a new $25 million funding program to assist black creators. As explained by Facebook: “We want to empower the next generation of Black storytellers to become successful. By participating in this initiative, creators will receive the support they need to help them propel…


YouTube Publishes a New Set of Insights on Rising Trends during COVID-19

YouTube has published a new set of insights into rising topic trends during COVID-19, based on viewer searches and behaviors across the world. And interestingly, as YouTube notes, similar trends were reflected in almost all regions: “The global pandemic is not over. But, it’s shocking onset allowed us to see an astonishing uniformity in content trends around…


Snapchat Adds New Voter Registration Tools Ahead of the US Election to Assist First-time Voters

Snapchat is rolling out a collection of new tools to encourage Snapchatters to vote in the upcoming US Presidential election, including registration, prompts, and new guides to assist first-time voters in having their say. As reported by Axios, the new push from Snap will include four elements: Voter Registration – Through its new mini-apps, Snapchat’s adding…


Facebook Adds New Sponsored Post Options for Group Admins

As Facebook continues to emphasize group engagement, The Social Network is also looking to create more opportunities for businesses within these highly engaged communities. And while you can already run ads in the Groups feed, Facebook is looking to add another potential revenue pathway specifically for group admins, with new brand partnership posts built into the…


It’s Now Official as White House Makes September Deal Deadline Official for TikTok

It’s now official. Well, official as it can be. On Thursday evening, The White House issued an Executive Order, signed by US President Donald Trump, which will effectively see TikTok banned in the US if it is not sold to a US-owned business by that time. The Order details the case against TikTok, including claims of…


Twitter Adds New Labels to Accounts from State-Affiliated Media Entities

Twitter has announced that it will now display new labels on the accounts of state-affiliated media entities, providing more transparency around the information shared by what are essentially Government-moderated accounts. As explained by Twitter: “When it comes to conversations with government and state-affiliated media accounts on Twitter, we’re helping to make the experience more transparent. We’ll now use…