
Snapchat Adds New Ad Options for App Promotions, Including Improved Cross-Linking Tools

Snapchat has announced a new set of ad options for app marketers, which look to expand on the opportunities for app developers to connect with Snap’s audience by cross-linking their app functions with the platform. The main connection here comes via Snap’s Creative Kit, which enables developers to integrate Snapchat functionality into their apps, and Login Kit, which…


Facebook has Launched Legal Action Against Instagram Clone Sites

Facebook has launched legal action against a software developer in Istanbul who’s been running a range of Instagram ‘viewer’ sites, for which he essentially scrapes user data from Instagram, then republishes the content on these alternate platforms. The developer then generates income by running ads on these clone sites. It seems like a pretty open and shut…


New Antitrust Suit Charges Against Facebook Over Instagram and WhatsApp Acquisitions

Facebook is set to have another legal challenge on its hands, with The Washington Post reporting that a group of state attorneys general is on track to file antitrust charges against The Social Network over its acquisitions of Instagram and WhatsApp. According to reports, the legal challenge will allege that Facebook’s purchases of rival social apps “helped create an anti-competitive social…


Instagram Announces an Updated UI for Standalone Threads App

Instagram has announced a new update for its standalone Threads app, which despite seemingly not gaining massive traction is still holding on, a year after its initial release. As you may or may not recall, Thread is a messaging app for your Instagram inner circle – Threads provides a set of quick, easy options for…


Facebook Publishes Evolving Efforts to Combat Hate Speech in New Report

Facebook’s facilitation and amplification of both hate speech and misinformation has been a key topic of focus over the past four years, but even more so within the chaos of 2020. COVID-19, the #BlackLivesMatter movement, and the US Presidential election have all, in their own ways, underlined the role that Facebook can play in amplifying…


Twitter Slows Delays Roll Out of Fleets Due to ‘Performance and Stability’ Concerns

If you haven’t got the new Twitter Story… sorry, ‘Fleets’ option as yet, you may have to wait a little longer – according to Twitter, it’s delaying the expanded roll-out of Fleets just a little bit due to performance and stability concerns. We’re slowing down the rollout of Fleets to fix some performance and stability problems….

COVID-19 vaccine

Facebook, Twitter and Google Partners to Combat COVID-19 Vaccine Misinformation

With a COVID-19 vaccine nearing release, the major tech platforms have agreed to partner on a new program, in conjunction with fact-checking organizations, in order to formulate new, improved approaches to combatting vaccine misinformation. As reported by BBC: “Taking part in the effort alongside Facebook, Google-owned YouTube and Twitter are the UK’s Department for Digital, Culture, Media…


Snapchat Acquires app ‘Voisey’: A Music Creation app for TikTok

Snapchat is looking to get ahead of the next creator shift by acquiring rising music creation app Voisey, which enables users to create their own tracks using a range of vocal effects. As you can see from these screenshots, Voisey‘s UI looks a lot like TikTok, and it has indeed been described as ‘TikTok for music creation’….


Twitter Releases Revised November Events Calendar to Assist with Strategic Planning

While 2020 hasn’t played out as anybody would have planned, or hoped for, there are still various opportunities for seasonal and event tie-ins that can help boost your promotions, especially coming into the last two months of the year. And while Twitter’s monthly event calendars are looking a little less full as a result of COVID-19, they…