
TikTok Shares a New Set of Insights into the Top Tracks and Artists on the Platform in 2020

Music is a key part of the TikTok experience, and this week, TikTok has shared a new set of insights into the top tracks and artists on the platform in 2020, which could help to provide you with a better understanding of key platform trends and interests. And definitely, music is a central element – TikTok says…


Facebook Adds AR Effects and 360-degree Backgrounds to the Desktop Version of Messenger

Facebook is looking to help Messenger desktop users celebrate the holiday season with a new set of AR effects, filters, and 360-degree backgrounds, the first effects of their type to be added to the desktop version of the app. Users have been able to add AR effects within their regular, in-app Messenger interactions for some time, with…


Reddit Announces New Integration with Moat to Provide Third Party Verification on Ad Metrics

As Reddit continues to build its ad offerings, and refine its platform to maximize advertiser appeal, another key element is assurance and providing marketers with data they need to understand the performance of their on-platform ad efforts. Today, Reddit has announced a new integration with Moat by Oracle Data Cloud, which will provide third party verification on Reddit…


Pinterest has Published Recommendations from Review of its Workplace Culture

Pinterest has shared the details of a review into its workplace culture, which was initiated after two former employees outlined their experiences, as employees of color, working for the platform. After Pinterest shared a public response in support of the #BlackLivesMatter protests back in June, the two employees criticized the company, saying that despite its public commentary, its own…


Twitter has announced its intending Shutdown of its Separate Periscope App in March 2021

It comes as little surprise, especially given speculation about the app’s future after a discovery in Twitter’s back-end code last week. Yes, Periscope, one of the original apps of the 2015 live-stream boom is going away. Superceded by native streaming within Twitter, and seeing declining usage, Twitter says that it can no longer justify supporting the separate…


LinkedIn has Announced a New ‘Products’ Tab on Company Pages to Highlight Specific Products

LinkedIn has announced a new ‘Products’ tab for Company Pages, which will provide a dedicated space for businesses to showcase their product offerings, and highlight key features, via their LinkedIn presence. As explained by LinkedIn: “With Product Pages, you can spotlight product endorsements and testimonials by your users, gather ratings and reviews from current users, and generate leads with…


Facebook is Looking to Take on Cameo with a New Celebrity Streaming Option known as ‘Super’

If Facebook is at all spooked by the announcement of a major investigation into its alleged efforts to squeeze competitors out of the market, it’s certainly not showing it. Today, Bloomberg has reported that Facebook’s working on a new option that would enable users to pay for video calls with celebrities, which is reportedly called ‘Super’, according…


TikTok Adds New Community Guidelines and Safety Tools to Better Protect Vulnerable Users

TikTok has announced a range of new updates to its Community Guidelines as it seeks to evolve its rules and tools in line with increasing usage. TikTok has been heavily scrutinized over its approaches to content moderation, and what it allows from young users, and has even been banned in some regions over ‘immoral and indecent’ video…


Google Added Business Messaging Options in Maps and Search to Help Streamline Connection

Google is looking to make it easier for users to get in touch with businesses direct from Maps and Search in order to get quick answers to more specific queries. As explained by Google: “When people look for information online, they want to find the answers to their questions quickly. This is especially true for people…


TikTok is Testing a New Option which Enables User to Upload Videos of up Three Minutes in Length

This could be a big change. According to reports, TikTok is testing a new option that would enable users to upload videos of up to three minutes in length, an increase on the current 60-second limit. As you can see in this tweet from social media expert Matt Navarra, some users are being given ‘early access’ to…