
Pinterest Publishes New Marketing Guides for Restaurants and Streaming Services in 2021

Many things have changed over the last 12 months, with the COVID-19 pandemic having a major impact on how we work, play – really, how we do everything. Two business sectors specifically impacted by the pandemic have been hospitality – and restaurants specifically – and home entertainment. Restaurants have had to quickly pivot to put…


Facebook Launches Next Stage of Campaign Attack Against Apple’s Upcoming Data Tracking Changes

I’m not sure that Facebook’s plan of attack to combat Apple’s coming IDFA changes is going to work out the way it might hope. Yesterday, Facebook launched a major new campaign in which it presented itself as the champion of SMBs, whom it says will be severely impacted by Apple’s coming changes. The IDFA update…

TikTok is Testing a New, Shoppable Live-stream Experience

If TikTok wants to fully maximize its opportunity, and truly compete with the big players in the social space, eCommerce will be a key pathway, providing more options for creators to monetize their content, while also moving it into line with the next big shift within the sector. Today, TikTok’s taken another step in that…


Twitter Reverts to Traditional Retweet Process after Removing Straight Retweeting for the US Election

Twitter has announced that it’s reverting back to its regular retweet process after removing straight retweeting as an option in the US back in October, within the lead-up to the Presidential Election. The hope was that by prompting users to Quote Tweet, instead of just Retweeting, it would make users think more carefully about what they were…


Twitter Shares Updated Verification Guidelines Ahead of the Re-Opening of Public Applications

Ever wanted to get your own verification tick for your Twitter profile? Today, Twitter has announced that its re-opening public applications for account verification next month, an option that has been on hiatus since 2017. As per Twitter: “We’re excited to relaunch public applications for verification in 2021 through a new, self-serve application process that will…


Instagram Added New Creative Tools in Reels and Stories

Instagram has added some new additions to your creative options in both Reels and Stories, while also tweaking a few existing functions and expanding the roll-out of its Branded Content tags. First off, on Reels – as shared by social media expert Matt Navarra, Instagram’s adding new ‘Audio Mix’ and Voice-over’ options into your Reels composition tools….


Instagram Adds New Prompts to Ensure Slow Resurgences of COVID-19

As we approach the New Year, and news of approved vaccines is starting to filter through, it feels like we’re reaching the next stage, that the light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel is now within view. But that doesn’t, unfortunately, mean that we’re any safer from the virus – and right now, many…


Google Adds New AR ‘Try-On’ Ads within Google Shopping Listings

AR is set to become a much bigger consideration in 2021, with the expectation that wearable AR glasses will soon be available to the public. In line with this, Google has today announced that it’s testing out its own variation of AR ‘Try-on’ tools within Google Shopping listings, which will enable brands to provide digital overlays,…


Twitter is Testing a New Way to Spark Positive Engagement by Highlighting Things in Common with Other Users

Yeah, I don’t know about this. In an attempt to spark more positive engagement and discussion within the app, Twitter’s launching a new test that will highlight things you have in common with other users who you don’t follow within the tweet reply composer. As you can see here, the new prompts will highlight, for…


Instagram Looks to Boost Usage in India with Re-Launch of Instagram Lite App

Facebook is very keen to expand its presence in India, and the Indian Government’s decision to ban all Chinese apps back in June, including TikTok, handed it a huge opportunity, which it’s still working to maximize. This week, Facebook-owned Instagram has re-launched its Instagram Lite app in India specifically, a more compact, less data-hungry version of Instagram, which…