
Top 3 Ways to Use Instagram’s New Keyword Search Option to Grow Your Business

Instagram’s recent keyword search change may not be the platform’s “sexiest” update, but it is a very useful one. As marketers, we’ve all been waiting for this one, because this update may help your posts get found even if you haven’t used a specific hashtag – which has been the only way to really search for…


TikTok Adds ‘Year in Review’ feature to Highlight the Clips That You Engaged with Throughout the Year

It may be the year that many want to forget, but 2020 hasn’t been all bad, with people also finding new ways to work, new ways to connect and new ways to engage with family and friends in order to stay in touch. And for many, one of those discoveries has been TikTok. The app…


Pinterest Publishes New Marketing Guides for Restaurants and Streaming Services in 2021

Many things have changed over the last 12 months, with the COVID-19 pandemic having a major impact on how we work, play – really, how we do everything. Two business sectors specifically impacted by the pandemic have been hospitality – and restaurants specifically – and home entertainment. Restaurants have had to quickly pivot to put…


Snapchat Partners with Google for Immersive ‘Year in Search’ AR Experience Trends

This is interesting – Google has created a new Lens in Snapchat which provides an interactive take on its ‘Year in Search’ trends overview. As you can see in this example, the Google Lens enables you to look over a series of images that represent the key events from 2020. You can then tap on…


Instagram Adds New Prompts to Ensure that People Remain Aware of COVID-19

As we approach the New Year, and news of approved vaccines is starting to filter through, it feels like we’re reaching the next stage, that the light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel is now within view. But that doesn’t, unfortunately, mean that we’re any safer from the virus – and right now, many…


Google is Testing a New AR ‘Try-On’ Ads within Google Shopping

AR is set to become a much bigger consideration in 2021, with the expectation that wearable AR glasses will soon be available to the public. In line with this, Google has today announced that it’s testing out its own variation of AR ‘Try-on’ tools within Google Shopping listings, which will enable brands to provide digital overlays,…


Twitter is working on a New Way to Spark Engagement by Highlighting Things in Common with Other Users

Yeah, I don’t know about this. In an attempt to spark more positive engagement and discussion within the app, Twitter’s launching a new test that will highlight things you have in common with other users who you don’t follow within the tweet reply composer. As you can see here, the new prompts will highlight, for…


Snapchat Provides New insights into Christmas and New Year’s Trends

Looking to make that last-minute push for your Christmas campaigns, or planning your marketing approach ahead of what will be a very different New Year’s celebration? This week, Snapchat has provided some new insight into how its users are approaching the holiday season, which could have some bearing on how marketers angle their campaigns for such. First…


Twitter Launches an Early Beta Version for its New Audio ‘Spaces’ Feature

Twitter has launched an early beta version of its new, Clubhouse-like audio Spaces feature, which will see a small group of users invited to test out the new audio-only, virtual rooms function. As you can see in the above screenshots, Twitter’s audio Spaces will enable users to create an audio-only meeting, which their connections can then join,…