AR glasses

Facebook Provides Insights into its Coming Smart Glasses, New Developments in VR

Will we see the launch of fully-enabled AR glasses from Facebook in 2021? Facebook previewed its work on its new Project Aria AR glasses last September, which included examples of full digital overlays that would be visible through the device – like safety alerts when walking down the street. But now, Facebook appears to be tempering…


WhatsApp Updates Privacy Policy, with the New in-app Prompt

While regulators have voiced their opposition to the move, Facebook continues to push ahead with the integration of its messaging apps, which will eventually enable users to cross message from Instagram to Messenger to WhatsApp without each participant having to download each individual app. The company’s latest move on this front comes via WhatsApp, with…


Snapchat has Re-launched Partner Solutions Program to Provide More Assistance Options for Advertisers

As it looks to build on its rising momentum, Snapchat has re-launched its marketing partner program, which redefines its two partner categories to better clarify the types of assistance and guidance options available. As explained by Snapchat: “Introducing our new Global Partner Solutions program – a partnership with industry-leading companies that help advertisers connect with the Snapchat community in…


Twitter Publishes Tips on Establishing Brand Voice via Tweets

Looking to improve your brand’s Twitter presence in 2021? This week, Twitter has shared some new tips on how to establish a brand voice via tweet, while it’s also provided some new worksheets to better facilitate the process. First off, on the fundamentals of brand voice – Twitter says that the three essentials of establishing your brand voice…


A New Report Suggests Facebook and Snapchat Will Be Most Impacted by Apple’s IDFA Changes

Last month, Facebook launched a wide-scale attack against Apple’s coming IDFA changes, which will provide app users with more explicit information about data tracking by each app, and enable them to opt-out of such if they choose. Now, a new report has suggested there may be a good reason for Facebook’s opposition – according to data…


Facebook Shares Tips on Maximizing Lead Generation via Facebook Posts and Ads

Facebook has shared some new tips on how to maximize lead generation via Facebook posts and ads, in order to boost the performance of your Facebook marketing efforts. Facebook’s tips cover four key elements of effective lead generation, in order to help you formulate a better strategy for connecting with prospective customers at just the right time,…


Twitter Expands its Audio Focus as it Acquires Podcast Listening App Breaker

Will audio-based social become a bigger element of digital engagement in 2021? Twitter’s certainly putting its faith into the audio connection. After launching the first wave of testing for its new, Clubhouse-style audio ‘Spaces’ feature last month, the company has today announced that its acquired podcast listening app Breaker, which it will use to build out Spaces and…

group admins

Facebook Expands Engagement Alerts for Groups, Adds New Alert Options for Group Admins

After launching an initial test of its Engagement Alerts for groups last May, Facebook is now expanding the option to more group admins, while also adding some new elements to help group managers stay on top of relevant discussions and engagement. Engagement Alerts let admins know ‘when posts or comments in your group are getting a big…